We are Here


It’s a strange feeling to be here, in the middle, trying to write as if from the beginning, where it also feels like the end. The end of the cycle that brought us here. The end of years of wading along alone with a weird vision and no idea quite why or how or where or even if it was more than a passing fantasy. But the beginning! The beginning of a new place, a new relationship, a vision becoming embodied. And yet always the middle - work in progress, life in process, the land which has been and will be here long before and after us, the stories we ride like rivers and how do you draw a line and say Here, Now? Begin? 


Begin to imagine you are welcome here. Begin to imagine that transformation is not only possible, but met with care and integrity and a beautiful web of support. Imagine a place where body and psyche and spirit and place are invited into sanctuary together. Imagine co-creating a healing center with the kinds of trust and skill and receptivity and cooperation that make that process itself a healing space. 

Imagine floating in peaceful blue heartbeat solitude. Imagine soaking outdoors under the wide open starry sky. Imagine salt and sauna and showers and caves, apples and hammocks and cedar and hikes, bonfires and laughter, art and play, woods and fields, the big red barn and the hush of the underground river. Imagine all of this as an integrated foundation for body work, soul work, trauma work. 

We did. And imagine our surprise - and at the same time our sighs of “Oh, of course” - to find one another, people and place, dreams, and resources, suddenly here. We are here! 

Come be here with us too.


On Going Into Business At The End Of The World