Land Acknowledgment


We want to acknowledge, and keep acknowledging, that the land on which we build and gather is within the aboriginal territory of the suq̀ʷabš “People of Clear Salt Water” (Suquamish People). Expert fisherman, canoe builders and basket weavers, the suq̀ʷabš live in harmony with the lands and waterways along Washington’s Central Salish Sea as they have for thousands of years. Here, the suq̀ʷabš live and protect the land and waters of their ancestors for future generations as promised by the Point Elliot Treaty of 1855.  

We acknowledge the land, the earth that mothers and holds us all our days and night, through this life and beyond. We acknowledge the waters that surround and support us and all life here, on all sides, from below and above. We acknowledge the woods and fields, hills and groves that have come into our stewardship - where we come to heal, where our children play - and we acknowledge the plants and animals which make their home and territory here as well: salmon, bear, coyote, eagle, chattering birds and little furry ones, cedar, pine, alder, apple, dock and berry and rose and thistle, bugs and bees and worms, and more. 

May we be up to the joy and the work of learning how to belong to this place and be in right relationship here. 

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A Magical Yurt Raising!


Floating as a Mindfulness Practice