Cold Laser Therapy
Low level laser therapy (LLLT): Is an FDA approved light therapy that painlessly applies specific light frequencies to acupuncture points to redirect and rebalance the body’s energy. It stimulates cellular regeneration and the release of endorphins; reducing pain and inflammation and promoting well-being and relaxation. (LLLT) delivers therapeutic energy without raising the temperature of tissues of the body.
(LLLT) can be used as a therapy alone, or as a complementary therapy to enhance the benefits of massage, psychotherapy, nutritional therapy, acupuncture and therapeutic floatation.
LLLT can provide significant relief from:
Body Pain / Chronic Pain
Headache / Migraine
Anxiety / Depression / PTSD
Inflammation / Arthritis
Scars / Wound Healing
Just as food nourishes the body, frequencies can nourish our cells. Dr. Paul Noger, a Noble Bell Prize winner and scientist, discovered that when the normal vibration or frequency of a cell is out of balance disease occurs. Each organ of the body has its own resonant frequency or vibration. Just like a musical instrument, it does not vibrate in harmony with the rest of the orchestra when it is out of tune. When damaged cells are exposed to a range of healthy frequencies, the cells have the ability to pick up their particular resonant frequency with which they vibrate to keep us healthy. This allows our body to reorganize and function optimally.