Intuitive Wellness

Frances offers a comprehensive mentoring program designed to move clients from anxiety/overwhelm/or frustration with the systems and dynamics of their life to a place of ease and productivity.

One of the initial goals of this work is frequently to decrease the felt experience of anxiety so that the client can move forward in self actualizing their journey. We do this by learning to tune into our somatic responses and to layer supportive techniques, and therapies into life so that the individual can for the first time perhaps, experience a sense of inner calm/peace. Attenuating to this inner peace is where you’re heading with this work

With practice and individualized support, we strive for having the inner sense of peace be the predominant felt experience. If you feel drawn to this support please reach out and we can explore our fit.

Intuitive Wellness Client Testimonials

“I know this work will be hard but I trust you (Frances) and feel supported”

Intuitive Wellness helped my anxiety and overwhelm

“For the first time in years I feel hopeful that things may get better”

Intuitive Wellness helped my pain

“My way of engaging with the world has been completely transformed by my work with you.”