IV Hydration Therapy provides nutrients and necessary cofactors; improving your potential for healing and recovery.

IV Therapy Menu


Energizing and metabolism boosting cocktail, with B vitamins for energy and stamina and amino acids to enhance performance, burn fat and preserve muscle mass.

Ingredients: B complex, glutamine, arginine, ornithine, lysine, citrulline and carnitine.



Cognition enhancing cocktail, with B vitamins, taurine and alpha lipoic acid. Enhance your learning, memory, and improve essential cellular functioning.

Ingredients: folic acid, B-12, l-taurine, alpha lipoic acid.



Immune boosting anti-viral cocktail, with vitamin C (toxic to viruses, bacteria and pathogens) and zinc and magnesium to support optimal immune function.

Ingredients: Vitamin C, B complex, magnesium and zinc.



Rehydration and recovery cocktail with detoxifying, energizing and rehydrating vitamins and minerals. Support your immune system while minimizing the effects of stress and calming your nervous system.

ingredients: B complex, vitamin C, copper, manganese, magnesium, selenium and zinc.



Nutrition enhancing and stress reduction cocktail with vitamins and minerals designed to replenish your vitamin and mineral stores.

Ingredients: B5, B6, B12, B complex, calcium magnesium and vitamin C



Neuro-protection and neuro-regenerative cocktail with nicotinamide adenenine dinucleotide at high enough concentrations to stimulate nerve repair. Axonal destruction results from cellular mechanisms that destroy intracellular NAD stores; replenishing this co-factor can support nerve repair.

Ingredients: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)

NAD+ Neurogenerative

Oxidative stress reduction cocktail. Restore youth and improve cellular function with our cocktail that helps reduce the effects of aging and chronic illness.

Ingredients: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)

NAD+ Anti-Aging


Fat burning and immune and energy boosting cocktail with vitamins and essential amino acids; promotes detoxification and weight loss.

Ingredients: Cyanocobalamin, choline, inositol, and methionine

MICC injections


B-complex: Mood regulation, healthy hair, skin and nails.

B-12: Metabolism, energy and mental clarity

Glutathione: Reduces oxidative stress and improves liver function

Vitamin C: Enhances immune system and tissue repair


Tri-Immune Boost: Enhanced immune response with our glutathione, vitamin C and zinc combination.

Cocktail Add-Ons